Friday 28 January 2011

Double page spread one

Double page spread draft one
This is the first draft for the double paged spread. I really like this. The thing that I most like about this is the title mainly because of the composition of the boxes e.g. the part with the name is at a slant. I also like that again it's all in different sections. The onlt thing that I am worried about is that there is too many images and maybe it will look a little too overcrowded. Therefore, in my next one I am going to use less images and make it a lot simpler to see what that turns out like.

Contents draft 2

My second contents draft
This is my second and most favourite of the two contents drafts.
I like this so much because I thin that when all the writing and colours and images are in, it will look really eye catching. I also think that this one looks a lot more professional and most like a magazine contents page.
I really like how I have added an editorial to it, this is to persuade the reader to buy the magazine and to tell the reader what the magazine contains.
I also love how I have only one image as it doesn't make it look too overcrowded.
I have also tried splitting this one into three collumns instead of two and I thin that it works really well.
Lastly, I have put a box at the bottom saying "Subscribe now!" I have put ths also to make it look more professional as all magazines contain this somewhere within there magazine.

contents page draft

Contents draft
This Is my contents page, I like how I have layed this out. I really like how I layed this out as I put it in two columns, this makes it looks more professional and not over crowded, I also like how I've 0only added in two images, this will make it seem less over crowded however if the colours aren't used right it might make it look a bit too plain and boring.
I have also added an editorial in this, I think that an editorial is vital for a magazine as it tells you what you are about to read about, tells you reasons to buy it and also greets the reader. In my personal opinion I think that it's just like a blurb but for a magazine.

Friday 21 January 2011

Title colours!

II have chosen "Tune up!" as my title and this font as my font. I chose this font as I feel that its simple yet effective and the X in the P gives it a rocky feel and so does the diagonal !.
With this title I have chosen a range of colours and added them to the title, my favourite one is probably the first yellow with the black background. The black background helps the yellow to stand out  and gives it a great effect, even though you wouldn't associate yellow with rock I think that this does work.
The one I dislike the most is probably the black on red as I feel its way too "pop" like, If I were to do a pop magazine I think that it would work.

The colour of the font and background has to look good with the pictures, so I think that I am going to wait until I have done the photo shoot to pick my final idea.

Please tell me which one you prefer and how I could improve!!!! :)

Colour annalysis

This is a colour wheel. My magazine is going to be a "rock" magazine so I am going to need darkish bold colours to link in with the theme.
I think that the colours that might work on here are the red and green as they are darkish colours, I also feel that the purple and yellow might work even though the yellow is a bright colour, but I will try and see if it works before I determine which my chosen colours are. The main reason that I think these colours will work together is mainly because they are complimentary to each other and I don't want any clashing colours such as purple and green together, however there is a possibility that it will work, but I think that it would work a lot better in a punk themed magazine.
I also think that I am going to add in black to also give it that rock feel, and I think if I did use black the font would need to be a lighter colour like white, The colors that I feel would go together well are purple and black/ black and white/ black and red or black and yellow.

If you have any Ideas please comment!!!!!! :)

Font annalysis

These are some ideas for my title on my music magazine. The title I chose to do it "Tune up!" I think that this works well as it sounds professional and its also musicy and I think will attract teenagers to read it.
1. I really like this one as I feel it looks like it's meant to be put on a music magazine but I feel that it looks a little to punk.
2. The next one is a little to plain and simple, however I feel that the simplicity adds to the effect and makes it look very effective.
3. I really like this next one, the main reason that I like this is because its different I really like how it has a background as it makes the font stand out. The only thing I don't like about this one is the star on the end, so if I were to use this I would cut That part out.
4.Again, I like this one because the background makes it stand out and makes it look that little more interesting.
5.This next one Is one of my least favorite as I feel its way too boring, I could maybe make it a lot more attractive by maybe adding in colour instead of just having it black and white.
6.This is another of my favorites as I really like the style of the font, however I feel that it doesn't go with the music theme and it's more army themed so I don't really think that it will work.
7.I like this next one too, I think that this would look very effective on the magazine, I also think that it looks the most professional.
8.This is a disturbed type font, this is one I don't really like as once again It looks too much like punk, and that isn't my magazine theme.
9.This one is simple but I think its very effective and also looks very professional. My favorite parts of this is the cross in the P and the wonky !
10. I also really like this last one, but somehow I don't feel that it goes with the music magazine theme, I really like all the curves as they compliment the sharp edges nicely.

With these fonts I am going to experiment and add in more colours, but I feel they work really well just in black and white.

Please send in a comment and tell me which ones you like and if you have any colour ideas!!!!!!!
Thank you :)

Front page design Idea 2

Front page design Idea 2
This is the second Idea for my front page, I think that I prefer this t the other one as I feel that the other was a little boring and too plain. I really like how I put the main image as the whole page as it will make it stand out and make it look very vibrant. I also like how I haven't added loads of images because If I did I feel that it would make it look a lot better and not too over crowded. I have also added in a caption for each image to tell people what  is inside the mgazine, and to persuade people to buy it. I think that im going to have to have very appealing images.

Please tell me which ones you think work best and how I could improve

Wednesday 19 January 2011

First front cover draft

My first front cover draft
This is my first front cover draft, I created this on publisher.
I really like how I added all the important things that are needed for the magazine such as a masthead to determine what it is and cover lines to get people interested and persuade them to buy it.
I also love how Ive put the main image covering the whole page I think that this will be very eye catching and effective. Lastly I like how I added a space for a bar code, I did this as I didn't on my student magazine and I feel if I add it in, it will make it look a lot more realistic.
Overall I am proud of this first draft but feel that it could be improved as I think it looks a little boring at the moment.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Reasearch and readership figures

Research and leadership figures on the top 9 music magazines:

Title Publisher Jan-Jun 2010 Prd/prd change Yr/yr change
1 Empire  Bauer Media 179,064 -7.8% -7.7%
2 Mojo  Bauer Media 91,678 -6.9% -6.2%
3 Q  Bauer Media 89,450 -5.7% -10.7%
4 Total Film  Future 76,088 -6.1% -10.5%
5 Uncut  IPC 74,067 -1.9% -3.2%
6 Classic Rock  Future 70,323 -1.3% 0.0%
7 Metal Hammer  Future 44,034 5.4% -4.3%
8 Kerrang!  Bauer Media 44,013 7.0% 1.8%
9 New Musical Express  IPC 33,875 -12.0% -17.3%

This is a table showing the readership figures for some top music magazines. I found that this was extremely interesting.
By looking at this graph I can tell:
  • Empire magazine has the most buyers and readership from january to june 2010 and that new musical express has a lot less (145.189 less readers) But also by looking at this table you can also tell that the readership has declined rapidly year on year and period to period, however new musical express has declined even more which still puts Empire magazine in the lead.
  • The magazine that is starting to get more and more popular is Kerrang! because on period to period it goes up 7.0% whereas all the others decline.
  • The one that has near enough stayed the same over that period of time is classic rock by only declining -1.3% on a period to period basis and not declining at all 0.0% on a year to year basis.
  • Lastly, I also find it interesting that the magazines with the same publisher "Bauer media" are close to each other and mostly near the top except kerrang! This tells us that the most successful publisher is "Bauer media."
Overall, the most successful magazine is Empire as it has the most readership and the least successful isNew musical express magazine as it has the lowest readership and the highest decline.
However, In the future, I feel that kerrang! magazine will slowly get to the top as its readership is declining so little.
I found this research on:

Friday 7 January 2011

Textual Annalysis

Q magazine front cover analysis
This magazine has a banner. A banner is usually used to tell the reader another  reason to buy the magazine. This magazine says "THE UK'S BIGGEST MUSIC MAGAZINE" It think that this is very good as it attracts the reader and persuades them to buy it.
I also like the colours as the white really stands out on the black and they really compliment each other nicely also the black looks good with the picture as most of them are dressed in black. All top magazines usually have a banner and I feel that it is a great idea  to use them, as they attract more people to buy them.
This Music magazine also has a masthead which involves the name "Q." Every magazine needs one of these to tell the reader what the magazine actually is so that they can identify it when they go out looking for it. I really love how the title is just a letter and not a word as its very original and different than normal magazines, I might consider using a letter for mine. The colours also attract me as the white on red sands out a lot and is very vibrant, however I don't feel that it works well with the image as the colours clash. Lastly I like the use of sans-serif wavy text for the "Q" as I feel that font was a great choice and its very effective and goes well with the rest of the text on the page. I feel that they could improve the title a lot by experiment with different fonts and maybe using less clashy colours, I feel that this wold make it more successful.
Cover lines
This front cover consists of only one cover line, and that is "Artists of the century." This tells the reader that when they buy this they will get all the inside news of top artists of this century. Even though I like this cover line, it is the only one and the magazine needs one or two more to draw people in to read it. I really like the use of colour and the font sizes as it helps it to stand out that little bit extra, however, I don't think that the font links in with the theme of music but it does look very modern. So if they were to do this again they could add in more cover lines and changes the font.
This magazine consists of a various amount of images but edited to look as if its one. I feel that this is very effective and works really well as it shows a load of modern artists from this "century" that would appeal to the younger audience and make people want to buy it. This is very successful
ColoursI don't think that the colours on this are very successful at all apart from the red background behind the "Q." This really helps it to stand out whereas the rest is all dull colours. I think that the creator of this magazine should have made the people in the photo wear more colourful clothes so that it would catch the eye of the reader.

In conclusion, I feel that this cover is quite successful, But If it was to improve it could maybe improve on the colours and font choice, and also maybe add in more cover lines to persuade people to buy it.

Kerrang! magazine front cover analysis

This magazine has a banner at the top of the page. The banner is usually another reason to buy the magazine. "8 page pullout!" I think that it's a great idea as it attracts readers to buy it especially when it has a free poster. I also like the colour scheme, white and yellow on black, this really helps it to stand out, also the font is a great choice as it's in a normal font but if it were to be made again they could possibly experiment with the fonts and maybe even the colours.
This also has a masthead which every magazine has "Kerrang!" I really love the font choice as it links in with the whole rock theme and the colour also stands out on the grey background, even though the colour doesn't link in with the theme. I also love how the font is behind the image, this really makes the image stand out and look as if it's popping out of the page. If this were to be improved they could maybe try changing the colours and maybe the composition, but I feel that it looks great the way it is.
Cover lines
This magazine contains a lot of cover lines, for example " GREEN DAY exclusive us tour" I think that the cover lines are vital to persuade people to buy the magazine, I feel that the cover lines in this magazine are very successful as there are eight and also the colour scheme and fonts work extremely well even thought he colours would not usually go well together. This is one of the most successful covers that I have seen. However if it were to be improved, they could maybe cut down on them to make it a bit less crowded.
The images work very well on this magazine, Thee is one main image of the lead from green day and also a image of slipknot in the bottom right hand corner. I really like how the main image is just one person and I also like the effect of the light shining behind him because it really highlights the fact that he is a great musician. However I do not like the bottom left image as I feel that it looks out of place. If the creator of this were to do this again he could maybe get rid of that one and just keep the cover line.
ColoursI really think that the colours in this are extremely well picked. I really like how the Creator of this magazine chose colours that would not normally be on a music magazine e.g Yellow green and white. also how he chose colours that don't go well together. I do not think that he/she could improve on the colours but he could maybe experiment with different colours.


In conclusion, I feel that this front cover is one of the most successful magazine that I have seen and don't really think that it could be improved. However I do have some ideas that might improve it... Getting rid of the bottom left image and also experimenting with more colours.

Kerrang! magazine double paged spread

There is no banner on this double paged spread which is normal for a music magazine. However I think that i might add in one for mine to make it look a lot more original.

Main Title
I really like how the main title is pushed to one side of the double paged spread and the sub title is a quote and a lot bigger. I also love how the title is framed so that it will stand out a lot more and it really helps the reader to determine what this page is about. I really like the colours black and red as it really links in to the rocky theme and also Stands out a lot which is vital for a magazine as it needs to catch the readers eyes. Lastly the composition and the typography is very well done as it is arranged perfectly so that it can be easily seen. Also big bold font is very effective as it makes the writing easier to read, Also the texture of the font is really rock/punk themed as it looks like its been scratched/ripped away which I feel works well.

I feel that the images of the band work really well, and also the black and white effect does too, however I feel that it needs a little more colour as its not that eye catching and a little boring. The composition of the images work well too but I feel that there is a little too much images, so I think that they should take away one or two to make it look less overcrowded.

I do think that the colours on this works well, however i think that more vibrant colours need to be added as it looks quite boring and dull. If I were to change anything from this I will add in more vibrant colours, this is something that i will consider for my final design.

Lastly I really love How there is a box saying "whats to come" as it really helps p[persuade the reader to buy the next issue.

In conclusion, I feel that this is very successful and is one of the best double paged spreads that I have seen however it could maybe have lees images because it look a little too overcrowded and it could also maybe have a few coloured images.


What age are you?
Are you male or female?
Where are you from?
What would you like to see in a music magazine?
Latest music news
Newest bands
television news
music univrsities
How much would you pay for it?
Would you purchase a copy?
How often would you buy a copy?
every other week
Do you think i should add any entetainment facilitis like puzzles and quizzes in the magazine?
(If yes please explian what?)

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Magazine comparisson

Magazine: Kerrang!
Price: £2.10
Pages: 70
Sections: 9
pages per section: 3-6
Sample of advertising: Falloutboy- Infinty on high from HMV, It looks very cheaply advertised, I don't really think that the advert was very eye catching and appealing from the use of dull boring colours.
Typical articles: Nine inch nails, Velvet revolver, Heaven and hell

  • Great price which will encourage people to buy it as they would be able to afford it,
  • Interesting articles that catches the readers eyes when they open to tyhe contents page.
  • Not as much pages as normal music magazines,
  • Not as much sections as normal magazines so there isn't much information,
  • Adverts are boring and dull that doesn't catch the readers eyes at all.

Magazine: Q
Price: £3.99
Pages: 146
Sections: 18
pages per section: 1-4
Sample of advertising: Audi looks very expensive, 2 page spread, very eye catching and an amazing image the catches the readers eye.
Empire magazine, £3.99, tv magazine 1 page spread, it looks very expensive.
Typical articles:Mika, Gorrilaz, New to Q, Q quiz, Last requests.

  •  A load of pages which means a lot of information
  • A load of sections which also means a load of information, this makes people buy it.
  • Expensive advertising, more vibrant, better images, more exciting and eye catching.
  • Great articles by top artists and entertainment features such as quizzes.
  • The only negative is that its a lot of money.
Magazine: Q
Price: £3.90
Pages: 170
Sections: 13
pages per section: 2-20
Sample of advertising: Citroen, it looks very expensive, 2 paged spread. very persuasive, good slogans, vibrant colours.
Typical articles:Who the hell is, The Q quiz, the dice men, elbow

  • A load of pages which means loads of information which makes people buy it because they will know that there is something that they would want to read in there.
  • A load of sections so, again a load of information.
  • Expensive attractive adverts which attracts the reader,
  • A load of pages in each section, which means a lot of information on each subject.
  • Expensive, which puts people off buying it.

Magazine: XXL
Price: £3.95
Pages: 146
Sections: 10
pages per section: 1-10
Sample of advertising: Nissa, very expensive advert, 1 paged spread.... Mostly clothing adverts. It think that the adverts look really good and very interesting and eye catching.
Typical articles:Sin city, Monsters inc.

  • A load of pages.
  • A load of pages per section which means a lot of information per section.
  • Really good advertisements.
  • Not much sections within the magazine.
  • Loads of advertisements, but I think that there is too many as it takes away the space for the information.
  • Too expensive,
  • Not that interesting articles.

In my personal opinion, I feel that the Q magazines are a lot better than the money as you get more for the price, whereas Kerrang! only has 70 pages which isn't much and XXL does have a lot of pages but it contains too much adverts but the articals in there are quite interesting and exclusive.

Action Plan

Action Plan Dates
Resarch and planning
3.1.11-  Action plan and Textual annalysis
10.1.11-Magazine comparison
17.1.11- Internet Research on readership figures and questionnaire/poll
24.1.11- Internet Research on readership figures and questionnaire/poll
31.1.11-Draftng of pages
-front cover
-Doublepage spread
7.2.11-Pages Layout
14.2.11-Pages Layout and Photoshoot
21.2.11-Final pages and feedback
28.2.11- Final pages and feedback
7.3.11- Evaluation


Music Magazine Blog!!!!

Now I am starting my music magazine blog!!!!!!!