Wednesday 16 February 2011


Contents draft

1-4 Check out all the latest pictures from the latest concerts!
  • Find out upcoming concerst so you will never miss out.
5-6 Get the inside look on the upcoming Concerts.
7-8 Questions...... ANSWERD!!
9-12 The TUNE UP! big quiz
  • Do you know much about the world of modern music? Test yourself with this quiz
13-16 puzzles and competitions
  • Win the latest I-POD touch!!
17-24 *EXCLUSIVE* 7 paged pull out on all the latest musical news
25-26 Interview with Misty Prophet
27-30 Interview with Green Day
31-32 The top 10 Music of the month
  • Who will be number one??
33-34 The top 10 Music videos of the month
35-40 The best 50 breakthrough artists of all time!!
41-42 What to look out for over the upcoming month
43-44 Fan mail!
45-46 Subscribe to TUNE UP! today!

If you have anything else that I could add please tell me!

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