Wednesday 16 February 2011


Contents draft

1-4 Check out all the latest pictures from the latest concerts!
  • Find out upcoming concerst so you will never miss out.
5-6 Get the inside look on the upcoming Concerts.
7-8 Questions...... ANSWERD!!
9-12 The TUNE UP! big quiz
  • Do you know much about the world of modern music? Test yourself with this quiz
13-16 puzzles and competitions
  • Win the latest I-POD touch!!
17-24 *EXCLUSIVE* 7 paged pull out on all the latest musical news
25-26 Interview with Misty Prophet
27-30 Interview with Green Day
31-32 The top 10 Music of the month
  • Who will be number one??
33-34 The top 10 Music videos of the month
35-40 The best 50 breakthrough artists of all time!!
41-42 What to look out for over the upcoming month
43-44 Fan mail!
45-46 Subscribe to TUNE UP! today!

If you have anything else that I could add please tell me!

My almost final contents page

This is my almost final contents page. All I have to do on this now is the images, the contents and the image captions then im finished :)

Please comment and tell me what you think of it!

Editorial draft

This is my editorial draft, please comment and say what you think of it :)

Hello and welcome to TUNE UP!
If you are mad about ll the latest music of 2011 then this is the music magazine for you. It contains interviews, one of which is with Misty Prophet the new amazing break through artist. It also contains Information on all the latest bands all the latest concerts and the inside stories of bands and artists such as green day.
We also have a selection of quizzes to test your knowledge on modern music, and you could get a chance to win the latest I-pod touch! You do not want to miss out on this!
This amazing magazine also contains exclusive pictures and information from past concerts that you will find very interresting!
We hope you enjoy this magazine!

Liam gardner
Editor of TUNE UP!

My almost final double page spread

This is my almost final double paged spread!
I have added in the interview and the caption. I really like the interview as I have asked relevant question and got relevant feedback about what the fans would like to know about her.
I also like the caption as it makes the reader think "wow, she is big in the UK".
Now all I have to do is the Main image and Ive completed this :)
I plan to get an image of Misty Prophet (Charlotte worley.)

Friday 11 February 2011

Interview on the solo artist for my double paged spread

This month's interview is on a brand new artist called, Misty Prophet, we at Tune up! can already tell that she is going to be big!

When did you start singing and think that this is going to be my career?
  • Well, I started singing from a very young age. I was probably about 7 when I started, I just enjoyed it so much that I would be singing all the time. I then also got a lead role in a production  at 16 which encouraged me to develop my singing and performance skills. I decided to try and become a famous solo artist because I really love singing and used to record tracks in my bedroom. By the time I was 19 I decided that this is what I wanted to do and no one was going to stop me.
I heard that you're planning on raising money for charity? How will you be doing that?
  • Yeah, I am actually really excited. I am planning on doing a concert where I am trying to get various modern artists of this century to perform, I am also performing my newest single, and there is also a surprise! The tickets will be around £20.00 each so hopefully everyone will be able to afford them and every single bit of the money will be going to charity.
What is your charity?
  • Well, I am visiting Africa next summer for the comic relief appeal so I am planning on raising it for them.Just £10.00 can buy medical care for a family so they can live normal and healthy lives. I am really looking forward to it, but I am also a little nervous.
What is your favorite artist at the moment? And who inspires you?
  • There are so much to choose from, I mean there has been so many successful talented artists in the past few years. My favorite rock band would have to be Green Day, however they haven't bought much out recently. The female artists that inspire me would have to be Beyonce and Lady Gaga as I feel that they have great voices and are amazing performers. But I am going to give my music more Rock theme!, electric guitars, Drums, Bass. 
 What has been the highlight of your life so far?
  • I think that this is my highlight, being known around the world and being what I have always dreamed to be.... It's a dream come true, I can't believe that it happened to me.
What are you looking forward to in the future?
  • Well, obviously the charity event and future concerts. I am also really looking forward to going to Africa, it will be really inspiring and an eye opener about how much worse off than us other people can be. It's all going to be a happy and at times emotional but I'm ready for whatever life brings me!
What artists are you hoping to work with?
I would be honoured to work with any artists to be completely honest as long as they don't change my musical style too much. There are a few classic artists who would be a dream to work with. But on the whole, I would prefer to work with more modern artists and maybe produce a few number ones.

 Do you ever feel nervous when performing?
Yes!! Before every performance I get extremely nervous, but I have amazing fans so I get through it! I always get worried that something will go wrong but so far nothing has and I am very thankful to all the crew.

Do you have anything that brings you luck that you take on stage whilst performing?
Yes, I have my guitar as it has been passed down through my family for generations. It was the guitar that my father learnt to play on, I always feel calmer knowing that he is near by.

It's been a pleasure meeting you goodluck for the future!

Misty Prophet's new album is out on the 15th of March 2011, her cncert for the comic relief appeal for Africa is on 20th september, you can grab your ticket at

What I have left to do.....

  1. Textual annalysis- I need to finish this off
  • Front cover 2
  • Contents 1 and 2
  • Double page spread 1
2. Photoshoot

3.Final pages

4.Final evaluation

Double page spread idea two

Double page spread idea one

Wednesday 2 February 2011

double paged spread draft 2

Add caption

Double paged spread draft 2

This is my second double paged spread. I really like this one and also think that I prefer it to  the other one mainly because it's not too overcrowded, I also like how the image takes the whole page, but I feel that we need another image on the other page to make it more interesting. Lastly, I love how I have two columns  for the interview, as It gives me more room for the questions and I think the layout works well.
I am definitely considering using this for my final deign.