Wednesday 17 November 2010

Comparison of student magazines

Student ID- Xmas edition
  • Tells you what is in the issue on the first page- This is to make you interested and buy the magazine.
  • It has a page about charity e.g Cancer trust- This is to raise awareness and get teenagers more involved in raising money for charity.
  • Advertisements- to help local businesses and also to help students get products they need for educational purposes.
  • Contents page- this is an overview of the whole magazine which tells us everything thats inside the magazine, this makes the reader want to read on.
  • Puzzles- To keep the reader entertained and to make the reader buy the magazine every week to find answers to puzzles.
  • Advertisement
  • Contents
  • Factual humerous stuff- this is to make the reader laugh and to help the reader to have fun whilst learning, this also encourages the reader to buy more and find out some more interesting facts. It also had facts that students may be interested in like entertainment and music which again will engage the reader and make them read on.
  •  Questionnaires- This is so the publisher knows what students want to see in the magazine, and if the publisher put some of there ideas into it, it might bring in some new readers and become more and more interesting.
  • Career advice- This is another subject that students might be interested to find out more on, as they may be confused on what careers to take on.
  • Young film makers- Ideas and oppertunities for students interested in that aspect. Its very helpfull to students who want to persue a career in that area.
  • Work shadowing- in this part it basically tells the reader all about work life and what are the best careers to get involved with, this is very helpful to teenagers.
Student ID- Under new management  
  •  Tells you what is in the issue from the first page.
  • Bash and summer ball photos- This might be interesting to those students that participated or attended... This will make more people buy a copy.
  • Comic strip- This is to entertain the reader and bring a little humor to there day. This will persuade people to buy it.
  • New students and Teachers information- It also tells you information on what teachers are starting the college and who are leaving, so the students are more aware on changes round the college.
  • Interviews
  • Whats new and updates
  • Advertisements
  • Trips- It tells you what trips are coming up and information about them, people might buy them to look at this as they may want to attend trips and find out more information.
  • TV and entertainment- This magazine also contains a TV and entertainment section,  this is great for students who are interested in that subject and it is also a change to all the college news.
  • University- what its like- people may buy the magazine if they are going off to university and are nervous, and want to learn more about life at university, I think this is very helpful.
  • Puzzles and horoscopes- this is to entertain the reader and make people buy the product.

Final overview!
In my opinion, I feel that the most successful magazine is Student ID: Under new management I think this because it involves so much more content and information on TV and entertainment other than just college and careers. It is also more enjoyable to read as it is packed full of useful information and advice that you could use now, or later on in life, and i feel that this advice is vital for every student. It also has a more vibrant and colorful front cover which tells you exactly what is in the issue... I think that this is important as it makes people interested and want to buy it.

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