Friday 26 November 2010

My First draft for the final design

My first draft
This is my first draft for my final design for the front cover of my student magazine.
I am really proud of how this came out and I also love the layout as it looks just like a magazine.
If there was something wrong with this one I think that there is too many pictures involved an there isn't usually this uch on normal front covers.
All I have to do now is change the colours and add in the pictures this will make it look a lot more effective and more like a magazine.

Please comment on this and say what you think!

what should I call my Blog??

1. BANG!

Please vote!!!

Please leave a comment!!

Please post a comment on the Front page and the contents page that you would like to see as my design.
Thankyou :)

contents page 2

This is my second contents page.

Contents page

This is my first contents page

Front cover 2

This is my second front page

Front cover 1

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Textual analysis

Contents page
This contents page is split into three columns;
The first column
The first column contains a editorial. An editorial is a statement or comment by the editor often placed near the front of the magazine. This editorial is wrote by the "student ID team" and is there to welcome the reader to this magazine and explain what the magazine contains. I think its a very good idea to have one as it sums up the magazine in a couple of paragraphs and wishes you good luck for upcoming exams.
Second collumn
The second column is the contents and the main part of this page. The contents is there to tell the reader exactly what isinside this magazine and where to find it. I dont think that this is the best example of a contents because it doesn't tell you what is on every page and it only tells you what is on every other page.
Third collumn
The third column contains pictures about the bash and festivals and the page numbers. I feel that this is a great idea as the pictures really catch the eye of the reader and will make them want to turn to that page. The pictures have an all over composition and at different angles which highlights the fact that them pages are for fun.
I feel that the colours yellow and white work very well with each other and compliment each other nicely, although, I feel that the colours are a little to bland and if they would want to make it more eye catching they could have used more bold colours.
I don't relly think that the title is very effective as it black and boring. If they were to make it look more interesting they could have used more colours like a red and they also could have used different fonts to make it look a lot more appealing.
In my opinion I feel that these two pages from "Student ID" Are very bland and lack a little on pictures and information. If I had to choose one that i would prefer it would be the contents page as it contains pictures, whereas the front page does not and it also contains a lot more information which I think is the most important.

Friday 19 November 2010

Textual analysis

 Front Page
Student ID front page
This magazine has no banner which is quite unusual for magazines. It is usually used to tell the reader another  reason to buy the magazine. I feel that its a great idea to use them as they attract more people to buy them.
This Student magazine has a masthead which involves the name, every magazine needs one of these to tell the reader what sort of magazine it actually is so that they can identify it.
I really like the way that the name is highlighted with black this is like this to catch the readers eyes. I also like how the masthead is in a box which is also like that to attract the reader.
The font is also a "common typewriter" serif
font which links into the whole college theme, this also portrays that the magazine is going to be about students and college life. I also like the composition of the letters as its a formal font but they have been put into another composition.
Next to the Masthead, they have put the price "still only 60p." I like how they have put the black writing on the yellow background as it makes it stand out. Also  I think that they put it next to the masthead so that as soon as they look at the title they see the price. Lastly the use of "still only" tells the buyer that it is still 60p, the prices haven't gone up and that its not much money.
This magazine has some coverlines on the front cover, eg. "Bash pics," and "Hot summer reads." I feel that this is a great idea to get people to buy the magazine as when they look at them it makes them want to read more.
I really love how the text is used as part of the image of a sun, some are wrote in the sunbeams, I think that this is a very effective way of presenting the text as its different and interesting. Lastly I really like the idea of using the black bold text on the yellow and orange background as it really stands out.
This magazine doesn't contain any images except from a series of "ice creams"  above the masthead. I don't really like this part of the layout as it is pointless and says nothing about what the magazine is about. I feel that the magazine should involve more images to attract readers as I think that it looks really plain and boring. If they were to get more images more people would buy it.
I feel that the colours in this work very well, the designer used clashing colours. The use of the colours yellow, orange, red and white also are very bright which may catch peoples eye and persuade them to buy a copy. I also like the basic shapes to form the sun in the background, this is very effective and works really really well. Although I think it works well, I still think that it is still a little boring and plain, so using more bolder colours might make it more busier and interesting to look at.

In conclusion, I feel that this is successful and un-successful in different ways. Firstly I think its succesful because the colours are eye catching and the front contains a load of coverlines to encourage the reader to buy it and read on, and secondly I think its un-successful because its really boring as there is no image to catch the readers eye and to tell you what it is about, I feel that if there was an image, it would be very successful.

Audience Questionnaire

What would you like to see in a student magazine?
  • University Details 
  • Information on college courses
  • puzzles 
  • Sport information
  • Entertainment news
  • Careers information    
  • Other                     
How much money do you feel i should charge for this magazine?
  • 20p
  • 50p
  • £1.00
  • £1.50
  • Other
would you purchase a copy?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe

How often would you buy a copy?
  • Every time a new copy is made
  • Every other magazine
  • Never
  • Other
Do you think i should add in any puzzles/ entertainment features.... if yes what should i add?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Other
 Is there Anything else you would like to see in the student magazine?


What age group should my magazine be for?
any age group free polls

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Comparison of student magazines

Student ID- Xmas edition
  • Tells you what is in the issue on the first page- This is to make you interested and buy the magazine.
  • It has a page about charity e.g Cancer trust- This is to raise awareness and get teenagers more involved in raising money for charity.
  • Advertisements- to help local businesses and also to help students get products they need for educational purposes.
  • Contents page- this is an overview of the whole magazine which tells us everything thats inside the magazine, this makes the reader want to read on.
  • Puzzles- To keep the reader entertained and to make the reader buy the magazine every week to find answers to puzzles.
  • Advertisement
  • Contents
  • Factual humerous stuff- this is to make the reader laugh and to help the reader to have fun whilst learning, this also encourages the reader to buy more and find out some more interesting facts. It also had facts that students may be interested in like entertainment and music which again will engage the reader and make them read on.
  •  Questionnaires- This is so the publisher knows what students want to see in the magazine, and if the publisher put some of there ideas into it, it might bring in some new readers and become more and more interesting.
  • Career advice- This is another subject that students might be interested to find out more on, as they may be confused on what careers to take on.
  • Young film makers- Ideas and oppertunities for students interested in that aspect. Its very helpfull to students who want to persue a career in that area.
  • Work shadowing- in this part it basically tells the reader all about work life and what are the best careers to get involved with, this is very helpful to teenagers.
Student ID- Under new management  
  •  Tells you what is in the issue from the first page.
  • Bash and summer ball photos- This might be interesting to those students that participated or attended... This will make more people buy a copy.
  • Comic strip- This is to entertain the reader and bring a little humor to there day. This will persuade people to buy it.
  • New students and Teachers information- It also tells you information on what teachers are starting the college and who are leaving, so the students are more aware on changes round the college.
  • Interviews
  • Whats new and updates
  • Advertisements
  • Trips- It tells you what trips are coming up and information about them, people might buy them to look at this as they may want to attend trips and find out more information.
  • TV and entertainment- This magazine also contains a TV and entertainment section,  this is great for students who are interested in that subject and it is also a change to all the college news.
  • University- what its like- people may buy the magazine if they are going off to university and are nervous, and want to learn more about life at university, I think this is very helpful.
  • Puzzles and horoscopes- this is to entertain the reader and make people buy the product.

Final overview!
In my opinion, I feel that the most successful magazine is Student ID: Under new management I think this because it involves so much more content and information on TV and entertainment other than just college and careers. It is also more enjoyable to read as it is packed full of useful information and advice that you could use now, or later on in life, and i feel that this advice is vital for every student. It also has a more vibrant and colorful front cover which tells you exactly what is in the issue... I think that this is important as it makes people interested and want to buy it.

    Action plan

    Week one WB 15th November 2010
    • Create Blog
    • Write action plan
    • Comparison of Student magazines
    • Audience questionaire
    Week two WB 22nd November 2010
    • Draft pages
    • Textual analysis
    • Organise photoshoot
    • Edit photos
    Week three WB 29th November
    • Create layout designs
    • Create cover and content
    Week four WB 6th December 2010
    • Audience feedback
    • Evaluation
    Deadline 10th December 2010